径向多较充磁线圈 Radial multipole magnetizing coil 产品概述: Product description 充磁头的设计一般根据产品的具体要求进行,我们可以设计制作各种内外径向多较充磁头, 平面(端面)多较充磁头,异型面多较充磁头,磁瓦充磁充磁头的设计一般根据产品的具体要求进行,我们可以设计制作各种内外径向多较充磁头, 平面(端面)多较充磁头,异型面多较充磁头,磁瓦充磁装置,闭路扬声器磁路充磁装置等。它的作用是将充磁机输出的电能转换成磁场。 充磁过程中,温度将直接影响磁饱和。装置,闭路扬声器磁路充磁装置等。它的作用是将充磁机输出的电能转换成磁场。 充磁过程中,温度将直接影响磁饱和。 The design of the magnetizing head is generally based on the specific requirements of the product. We can design and produce various internal and external radial multi-pole magnetizing heads and planes(end face) multi-pole magnetizing head, special-shaped multi-pole magnetizing head, magnetic tile magnetizing device, closed-circuit magnetic circuit magnetizing device, etc. It's aIt is used to convert the electric energy output by the magnetizing machine into a magnetic field. During the magnetization process, the temperature will directly affect the magnetic saturation. 型号/规格 Model/specificatio ?10-?50mm ?60-?120mm ?140-?300 mm 充磁较数 Number of poles 4较,6较,8较,12较,24较,32较,64较,128较 Four pole,six pole,eight pole,twelve pole,twenty-four pole,thirty-two pole,sixty-four pole,one hundred and twenty-eight pole, 产品编号 Product num 580400 890620 148103 散热方式 The cooling way 水冷循环散热/纯净水 Water-cooled circulation for cooling/purified water 铁芯深度 The depth of the cor 可依客户要求定制 can be customized according to customer requirements 绝缘材质 Insulation material 高分子环氧绝缘面板,线圈采用环氧树脂浇注 High polymer epoxy insulation material 工作温度 Working temperature ≤65摄氏度 65 degrees Celsius or less 线圈材质 Coil material 漆包铜线 Enameled copper wire 外形尺寸 Overall dimension 定制尺寸(根据产品大小而定) 定制尺寸(根据产品大小而定) 定制尺寸(根据产品大小而定) 重量 weight 以实际重量为准 以实际重量为准 以实际重量为准